Ice Cream - Vanilla - Attempt Numero Uno

I've recently been on a kick of making things from scratch, and I've been astonished to see what is possible. For example, Kenny made me blueberry pancakes for our anniversary with blueberry syrup. They were delicious and from scratch. Blueberry syrup is blueberries, sugar, cornstarch, and lemon juice. They were AMAZING!Anyways, back to the point of this post. ICE CREAM :)

I have recently talked to two families that get their milk straight from the cow. I am not sure if I would like it, I was raised on skim milk. Since being married I have migrated to the orange cap which I am fairly certain is 2%? Anyways, one family made their own ice cream and I thought why not. It is after all called ICE CREAM. One can only imagine that you freeze cream. So I went out on google and found a recipe and instructions for making Ice Cream without an Ice Cream maker. was very helpful and has tons of ice cream recipes. Now for my ice cream.

First I measured out all of the ingrediants, which were very few
3 cups heavy whipping cream
3/4 cups sugar
2-3 teaspoons of vanilla (I used 3 teaspoons and we both thought it had a little too much vanilla, not too much that it tasted bad, just too much like it could be better with less vanilla. The second time I made it, I only used 1.5 tsps.)

Once all ingredients were set, you heat 1 cup of cream, the sugar, and 1 tsp. of vanilla over medium heat until the sugar dissolves.

Remove from heat and add remainder of cream. And stir.Then you must chill the ingredients to 45 degrees. It recommends over night but I couldn't wait so I did 2 hours and it was down to 45 degrees.
I poured them into a glass bowl with a lid. (It has to be a bowl that is freezer safe) Once in the glass bowl I put ice and water in a bigger bowl and set the smaller bowl with ingredients and lid firmly on into the bowl of ice water and placed in the refrigerator. This speeds up the cooling process.

After it is chilled, remove the smaller bowl and place in the freezer. It said to take out and stir every 1.5 to 2 hours, but I did it about every 45 minutes. When you take it out, you want to get all of the frozen stuff off the sides and make it all one consistency.I only stirred for a minute or two each time. I took it out 4 times. So this process took about 3.5 hours. After 3.5 hours and one good last stir, you leave in the freezer for at least 4 hours, or until it is completely frozen to ice cream consistency.
I know this sounds like a lot, but really all you have to do is heat up the cream and sugar and stir and then freeze it. Overall it takes about 8-12 hours, but you don't actually do anything for a majority of the time.
And for the finished product...drum roll please...


  1. Dang Nicole! What a fun blog! Pictures and everything. You could totally be a 'do it yourself', cooking, radical home-making blogger. I can see it now!
