Not Technically an Advent Calendar

Every year before Christmas, our Aunt gives us an advent calendar filled with candy. According to Wikipedia "An Advent calendar is a special calendar which is used to count or celebrate the days of Advent in anticipation of Christmas." 

Well, we didn't do that with our advent calendar. Instead, we sat down in our kitchen, with our dog, and proceeded to take turns opening each little surprise :) Apparently we are not big on self-control anticipation :)

Kenny is way more excited about this than he appears to be

Even Izzie was glad we didn't wait :)
Our booty

Then we took turns choosing pieces of candy until everything is parceled off evenly.
And we had an extra beef stick, so Izzie and I shared. It was very reminiscent of Lady and the Tramp, except for the part where they kiss. I just let her have it. I thought she might bite my face off. There is something very intimidating about how a dog looks at you when you are holding meat in your mouth :)

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